
I do have an excuse!!!

August 14, 2008

Hello all,

Well I guess you may have been wondering where I have been. I do have the odd reason why I have not been here to update my blog.

The chicken pox saga continued…

The Saturday before school went back the girls started their adventure of the chicken pox.

They both got it on the same day, and they both started feeling better on the same day. I guess twins do do things the same!!! lol.

Once we saw how much the girls were absolutely covered in them, we realised just how easily Aidan got away with it. He only had a dozen or so on his back, and when you see the girls photo’s that I am about to put in, you will see that they were suffering a lot more.

I think the photo’s say it all, so here we go. I can hear the awwwwwwwwwwwww’s from here.

Alyssa feeling like crap.

Alyssa’s back

Alyssa’s beautiful face

The discomfort is quite obvious

Caitlin parked up on the couch

Caitlin’s back, a few days into it

My beautiful Caitlin.

Well there you go folks. One of the reasons why this blog has become secondary to all other things. I have managed to do some scrapping though, and hopefully I will get those onto here sooner than later.

I have started an album for my foster parents 25th Wedding Anniversary later on this month. I had really get back into it, as the party is on the 23rd, and I still have a number of pages to do yet.

As some of you know, I broke my leg last March, 2007, on my son’s Thomas the tank engine, jig saw puzzle, and they ended up a plate and screws into it, as the silly thing did not want to heal on it’s own, so last year I was in a plaster or a boot from March until August last year when they finally decided to opearte and fix it up. It was so nice, once that had healed to actually be able to walk around with out any type of assistance.

I had a follow up visit with the specialist to see how things were coming along, and the xrays showed that all was finally healed and that the plate and screws would have to come out, as it was sticking out from a the bone a bit, and causing quite a bit of discomfort. If it wasn’t then they would have just left things alone and I would have been fine.

Any way, they took them out last Friday, which of course just happened to be the day before, I was planning on having the girls 3rd birthday party. Oh well, we just ended up having a small family affair. There is always next year I guess. So I am now up and about on crutches again for a little while, and hubby had to take some time off work to help with the kids.

I think he prefers to go to work somehow as the stress of the kids continually asking for something, has appeared to have gotten on his nerves…lol.Now he knows how I feel.

That’s it for now, and I will try and get those other photo’s up, sooner than later.



  1. Holey moley they sure have got a bad case of the pox. Poor wee things. How are they doing now?

  2. ll, I hope that you’re all better soon and the chicken pox goes too

  3. ll = Well …. oops!

  4. Oh my goodness, these spots look terrible. Your poor children. They are making me itch just looking at them.

    Gee and your leg! Bet you are relieved that chapter is over and done with.

    Does hubbys good to see what it is really like “working from home” from time to time. I spent 6 weeks in hospital nearly two years ago and hubby was “it”. He doesn’t complain now, lol.

    Take care of yourself OK. 🙂

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